Visit the BROS GLOBAL Counselling for Bros page for more infomation.

I have known you as a life coach for over 8 years. You are really passionate and about helping blokes get over their issues by guiding them to confront their issues head-on. You've been very mindful of my internal struggles, and have given me effective tools to manage my paranoia and fears, and to set achievable goals for myself. I find the most effective aspect of your coaching and mentorship is you actually held me accountable by checking in with me in between sessions, and making sure I stay on track. That's what made the difference, and no other coaches I know of actually do this.
- Doug
Simon, you have challenged me and my perception of reality. Your innate ability to hear what my inner voice is saying, what it is asking for, and what it wants, has allowed you to teach me how to listen to that voice and how to take action.
You have assisted me in breaking down and separating each barrier and obstacle, and guiding me through them until the negative belief system no longer existed. I was able to reach my full potential because the future suddenly became clear and free of any obstacles. I'm very grateful.
- Troy
I've been through a lot mentally, yet you have pulled me out, made me love myself and everything around me. You have always taken your personal time to ask how a fellow bro like me is going, and to make sure I am doing well and still following my goals. That to me is the difference between a mentor and someone you just sit in a room with, and who just listens to you.
You have made me grow in so many ways I can't express. If it was not for you, I would be down a different path. Now I am on track. I'm positive because I have goals, routine and most of all, a life to look forward to.
- Krzys
Bro Simon, thank you for being such an encouragement to me. I have been struggling with many problems mentally and you have showed me how to take them down. You changed my perspective of dealing with my struggles and now I face new challenges with more control over the circumstances and have definitely changed my attitude towards life in a good way. I really admire what you do and the effort you put in to help the people in need. Cheers!
- Sam
Simon is a wonderful, enlightening and caring counsellor who I have known for 15 years. This page he started is extremely helpful and supportive. It's important to have an outlet for males to express themselves and vent if they need to and just know there is always help for other men out there that can relate to their issues or listen and care.
- Aaron
I have known Simon for many years, and regard him as a friend. He is totally dedicated to this cause, and always authentic. I have been really impressed with Simon's willingness to be open with his own feelings, emotions, struggles, and to "come out" with that on his Facebook page, almost like a public journal. He is such a good role model for men, who typically find it so hard to express their feelings, especially any negative feelings.
- Allan
BROS GLOBAL is an excellent, supportive group of lads. Simon is really active and offers an invaluable service. Really glad to be a part of this community.
- Ben
I met Simon in 2012 when I first moved to Australia and know him to be a friendly and encouraging mentor to a great many people, myself included. He is detailed and solutions oriented, highly ambitious, and his knowledge is vast and extensive in the areas of counselling, well-being and health.
Simon has branched out to form BROS Global raising needed funds and awareness of mental health issues for men, to support a peer-based program of personal development. Over time, I've come to observe the effort and work he puts into this cause, which is nothing short of amazing. He is such a thoroughly wonderful, multi-dimensional and talented individual and someone I am glad to call a friend.
- Di
Visit the BROS GLOBAL Mental Health First Aid page for more infomation.

The Mental Health First Aid course was enlightening and interesting. It makes me feel relaxed knowing that if I found myself in a situation with a loved one or any person, I would feel confident handling it.
- Mia
The Mental Health First Aid course was very informative and thorough. It covered a lot of needed material required to fully understand the headspace of people with different types of mental illness and how to assist them without judgement.
- Jack
Simon is a genuine and warm instructor - passionate and knowledgeable.
- Craig
Simon was very knowledgeable. The course was very informative, excellent material and interactive experiences. Thank you for your time and effort.
- Debbie
The two days were extremely insightful into all types of mental illnesses. I feel much more comfortable addressing these issues if I come across them. Simon's delivery was excellent.
- Andrew
This course was very interesting and enjoyable. Simon was great at how he presented the course and encouraged our participation.
- Jamie
The course was very informative, educational and very interactive, including all participants. Well structured which made it easier to follow. Simon has a great personality, and made it very comfortable.​
- Frank
It was a great course to take, got to learn a lot about mental health. Loved how Simon involved everyone in the lesson.
- Cinta
This was a great course for such an important topic. Simon was a fantastic trainer with great insight and knowledge. The course was interactive but not oveloaded.
- Nathan
Download BROS GLOBAL SafeBROSpace Training flyer for more information.

Learnt alot about referrals and providing resources, also asking questions to spark conversation and an avenue (for the client) to open up.​
- Nathan
The training was interactive. I like how interactive it was and how it used visual, verbal and physical components to reiterate the information.
- Rebecca
This was a really good course on helping to recognise signs of depression and how to have a conversation with the client.
- Albert
I learnt conversation tips and how not to end a conversation with closed questions. It was super helpful and important to take your barber skills to the next level.
- Casey
Really good skills to have when interacting with our clients. You never know when you could be saving a person's life at a haircut session.
- Liam
I am amazed at how we can help someone with their mental health in the brief time we have with the client. Very useful tips.
- Jim