No male-specific mental health services available.
The mental health support services are not comprehensive in Austria, although there are a few men's health and support services. These are marked with an asterix (*). Please note that in case of illness or suspected depression, talking to a doctor or psychologist is essential. Basically, your family doctor is the first point of contact for the diagnosis and treatment of depression. In emergencies, eg. urgent and specific suicidal thoughts, please contact the nearest psychiatric clinic or the emergency doctor at 112.
EMERGENCY (24 hours 7 days a week)
Police: 113
Ambulance: 144
Austria Suicide Hotline: 017133374
Psychiatric counselling in emergencies: 01 313 30
Telephone Search Emergency Number 142 / Telefon Seelsorge / Telephone Pastoral Care (1010 Vienna)
Tel: 142 (24/7, general helpline for Austria)
This is a free-call mental health and depression support service.
​ /Crisis Intervention Center (1090 Vienna)
Phone: 01-406 95 95
Help with acute crises and crises with a high risk of suicide and / or threatened violence. With telephone and personal advice and advice by e-mail, with psychotherapeutic interventions and, if necessary, with medical treatment, we accompany you on the way out of the crisis. Our offer is not connected with any direct costs for you (exception: deductibles if necessary with some health insurance companies, if reasonable). Personal first calls can be made from Monday to Friday 12pm to 4pm. If possible, we ask for prior telephone contact. For group discussions from three persons we ask in any case by telephone reservation.
MEN Men's Health Center, for boys and men (1100 Vienna)*
Phone: 01-601 91-5454
Telephone: 612 5454 ( Municipal ) (Monday, Wednesday, Thursday 9am to 1pm (appointments by appointment)
MEN is a health center for men of all ages, for working, jobless and retired men, for women-and-men loving men, for native and migrant men. Health does not only mean the absence of illness , but also includes the ability to develop emotional and social strengths and intellectual potentials. MEN offers personal counselling, advance seminars, workshops for boys/young men, groups/group seminars and incentive projects in various languages, especially for social disadvantaged men.
Vienna Men's Counseling Center (1100 Vienna)*
Phone: 01-603 28 28 (Monday-Friday 9-12 clock, Monday-Thursday 16-20 clock and by appointment)
Men too have problems, are plagued by worries, ask themselves questions to which they can not find an answer. But there is no reason to be alone with it. Relationship problems, violence, abuse, masculinity, paternity, unemployment, sexuality, isolation. The Vienna Men's Counseling Center offers psychological, psychotherapeutic, social and legal help, as well as a wide range of information and further education courses on all sorts of topics that concern men today.
Praxisplan is a database where you can find a mental health doctor / professional in your language and insurance of choice in Austria. Select ‘neurology and psychiatry’ in the dropdown list:
Professional Association of Austrian Psychologists Helpline
Tel: 01 504 8000
This helpline is provided by the counseling service of the Professional Association of Austrian Psychologists.
The psychology database Psychnet is Austria's largest portal for the search for psychologists.
This is an online resource where you can find a psychotherapist near you in Austria:
This is an online resource where you can find a psychologist of your choice in Austria:
Psychiatrische Versorgung in Wiens Spitälern (The Vienna Hospital Association)
Visit this site or click on the following clinics/hospitals to access information on the diagnosis, outpatient and inpatient treatment of mental health issues:
Movember Foundation - Austria*
Movember is an annual event involving the growing of moustaches during the month of November to raise awareness of men's health issues, particularly prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and men's suicide. The Movember Foundation runs the global Movember charity event, housed at The goal of Movember is to "change the face of men's health." By encouraging men (whom the charity refers to as "Mo Bros") to get involved, Movember aims to increase early cancer detection, diagnosis and effective treatments, and ultimately reduce the number of preventable deaths. Besides annual check-ups, the Movember Foundation encourages men to find ways to take care of our mental health, and to check in with one another in order to reduce the rate of suicide in men. Visit the link to Austria’s Movember page to access vital information on these three key topics affecting men’s health today: